Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Cold and Flu Season - What do you do?

Black Elderberry – the solution to the UK’s cold and flu crisis?

The Black Elderberry has a strong heritage and was referred to as ‘medicine chest’ by Hippocrates (400BC). References to the healing berry can be traced back to the Egyptians who had the tincture buried with them, and the Greeks who took it into battle with them to keep their army well. It has even made its way into literature: did you know the most powerful wand in Harry Potter is made of Sambucus and is known as the ‘Elder Wand’?

Elderberry extract has been used for centuries by herbalists and is renowned for its ability to destroy infectious cold and flu viruses.


Manuka Honey

Manuka honey is produced in New Zealand by bees that pollinate the native manuka bush. Advocates say it treats wound infections and other conditions.
WebMD takes a look at what the science says about using manuka honey as a medicine.

Healing Power of Honey

Honey has been used since ancient times to treat multiple conditions. It wasn't until the late 19th century that researchers discovered that honey has natural antibacterial qualities.
Honey protects against damage caused by bacteria. Some honey also stimulates production of special cells that can repair tissue damaged by infection. In addition, honey has an anti-inflammatory action that can quickly reduce pain and inflammation once it is applied.
But not all honey is the same. The antibacterial quality of honey depends on the type of honey as well as when and how it's harvested. Some kinds of honey may be 100 times more potent than others.

Components of Manuka Honey

Hydrogen peroxide is a component of honey. It gives most honey its antibiotic quality. But some types of honey, including manuka honey, also have other components with antibacterial qualities.


Now that you have the above information that is scientific and or historical..., I will tell you about my experiment to see if any of the above is true. 


On a Friday evening around 7:00 p.m. my nose started to drip on the left side like a faucet.  Most annoying kind of "cold" starter.  No matter how many times you blow your nose it still runs.  That one spot in your nose has an endless supply of liquid.  Easiest thing to do is roll a tissue and plug that side of the nose up. Why?  soaks up the liquid and the liquid does not run down your throat.

I have Manuka honey in the house and Sambucol which has the black elderberry extract in it... so I said to myself... "I can try out this experiment myself."  

That night I took a half of teaspoon of the Sambucol Black Elderberry (Orig. Formula) and it did not taste bad and that was it.  Next day, Saturday... now both sides of my nose were dripping.  I have both sides with tissues in each nostril and look like a walrus.  

Saturday, I started the manuka honey MGO 400+ and I only take the very end of a teaspoon ... maybe an 8th of a teaspoon.  It is powerful and I feel a person does not need to take that much.  The taste is familiar like it was in some kind of cough syrup as a child.  I keep manuka honey from Manuka Health MGO 400+ in the house to use for anything from burns to pimples.  And I took another teaspoon of the Sambucol.  That is it.  I took it in the middle of the afternoon... not twice a day and not at night.  Nose is still dripping... sneezing... and voice started to sound hoarse.

Sunday..., voice is back..., nose is dripping less..., still sneezing..., and still hungry and no fever.  I feel by starting this above two ingredients right away... I saved myself from fever and probably the worst flu and cold combo that is going around.  Still taking an 8th of a teas. of honey and a teaspoon of the Sambucol... next day Monday.

Monday... dripping nose gone, a sneeze now and then, and I feel fine.  All is gone but will take the honey and sambucol for another day and that should be it.

Now I have had these dripping nose colds before and never has it ever been gone in 3 days flat.  So in my opinion I think that it worked fine for me to use this combo for any future colds and or flu.  Oh yes, I also took a half of a blood orange per day for vitamin C and one kid's Choc. Pediasure for vitamins and minerals.

I try to go as natural as possible for cures...


Thursday, January 3, 2013

Chronic Venous Insufficiency

Venous insufficiency

Venous insufficiency is a condition in which the veins have problems sending blood from the legs back to the heart.


Normally, valves in your deeper leg veins keep your blood flowing back toward the heart so it does not collect in one place. But the valves in varicose veins are either damaged or missing. This causes the veins to stay filled with blood, especially when you are standing.
Chronic venous insufficiency is a long-term condition. It occurs because a vein is partly blocked, or blood is leaking around the valves of the veins.
Risk factors for venous insufficiency include:
  • Age
  • Being female (related to levels of the hormone progesterone)
  • Being tall
  • Genetic factors
  • History of deep vein thrombosis in the legs
  • Obesity
  • Pregnancy
  • Sitting or standing for a long time


  • Dull aching, heaviness, or cramping in legs
  • Itching and tingling
  • Pain that gets worse when standing
  • Pain that gets better when legs are raised
  • Swelling of the legs
People with chronic venous insufficiency may also have:
  • Redness of the legs and ankles
  • Skin color changes around the ankles
  • Varicose veins on the surface (superficial)
  • Thickening and hardening of the skin on the legs and ankles (lipodermatosclerosis)
  • Ulcers on the legs and ankles


Take the following steps to help manage venous insufficiency:
  • Use compression stockings to decrease swelling.
  • Avoid long periods of sitting or standing. Even moving your legs slightly will help the blood in your veins return to your heart.
  • Care for wounds if you have any open sores or infections.
Surgery (varicose vein stripping) or other treatments for varicose veins may be recommended if you have:
  • Leg pain, which may make your legs feel heavy or tired
  • Skin sores caused by poor blood flow in the veins
  • Thickening and hardening of the skin on the legs and ankles (lipodermatosclerosis)

Alternative Names

Chronic venous insufficiency


Bergan JJ, Schmid-Schonbein GW, Smith PD, et al. Chronic venous disease. N Engl J Med. 2006;355(5):488-498.
Freischlag JA, Heller JA. Venous disease. In: Townsend CM, Beauchamp RD, Evers BM, Mattox KL, eds. Sabiston Textbook of Surgery. 19th ed. Philadelphia, Pa: Saunders Elsevier; 2012: chap 65.

Update Date: 6/27/2012

Updated by: Neil Grossman, MD, MetroWest Radiology Associates, Framingham, MA. Review provided by VeriMed Healthcare Network. Also reviewed by David Zieve, MD, MHA, Medical Director, A.D.A.M. Health Solutions, Ebix, Inc.

Link found:  http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/000203.htm


Alternative medicine

By Mayo Clinic staff
Horse chestnut seed extract may be an effective treatment for chronic venous insufficiency (CVI), a condition associated with varicose veins in which leg veins have problems returning blood to the heart. The herb may help improve swelling and discomfort caused by varicose veins. Talk with your doctor before trying horse chestnut seed extract or any other herb or dietary supplement.

Link found:  http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/varicose-veins/DS00256/DSECTION=alternative-medicine


Horse Chestnut Extract
Natural Care Vein-Gard
Good reviews.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

The Bowel Truth

If Your Stool Looks BLACK, TARRY, AND STICKY It Could Mean:
Bleeding in your upper digestive tract. The black color comes from digested blood cells.

If Your Stool Looks VERY DARK BROWN It Could Mean:
You drank red wine last night or have too much salt or not enough vegetables in your diet.

If Your Stool Looks GLOWING RED OR MAGENTA It Could Mean:
You've eaten a lot of reddish foods such as beets.

If Your Stool Looks LIGHT GREEN It Could Mean:
You're consuming too much sugar, or too many fruits and vegetables with not enough grains or salt.

If Your Stool Looks PALE OR CLAY-COLORED It Could Mean:
Minimal amounts of bile are being excreted, perhaps because of problems with the gallbladder or liver.

If Your Stool Looks BLOODY OR MUCUS-COVERED It Could Mean:
Hemorrhoids, an overgrowth of certain bacteria in your gastrointestinal tract, colitis (inflammation of the colon), Crohn's disease (also known as inflammatory bowel disease), or colon cancer. Red blood usually means the ailment is located near the end of your digestive tract, whereas black blood signals partially digested blood coming from an ailment higher up the tract. Seek medical advice promptly.

If Your Stool Looks PENCIL-THIN AND RIBBONLIKE It Could Mean:
A polyp or growth in your colon that narrows the passage for stool. Or spastic colon. It can also be from a prolapse at either side of the transverse colon constricting the colon and lack of fiber.

Malabsorption -- your digestive system isn't getting full nutritional use of food.

Possible causes are food poisoning, lactose intolerance, antibiotics, antacids, dietary intolerance, dietary changes, travel, anxiety, stress, inflammatory bowel disease, or irritable bowel syndrome.

If Your Stool Looks SMALL, HARD, ROUND PELLETS It Could Mean:
Constipation - even if you're defecating frequently. Possible causes are eating too much dry food, including protein, and not enough vegetables and raw foods; laxative abuse; worries; or irritable bowel syndrome.

Irritable bowel syndrome. This chronic condition can be aggravated by red meat, spices, sugar, alcohol, lack of fiber, allergy-causing foods, irregular hours, and chaotic relationships.

If Your Stool (Is) REALLY BAD SMELLING It Could Mean:
An imbalance of intestinal bacteria or eating too much animal protein, which can putrefy in your digestive tract.

Info found:

Friday, July 1, 2011

Thyroid Issues

What do you do when your Thyroid is out of wack.  Meaning according to your doctor you have a hyper or hypo thyroid problem. 

What did the doctor say caused it?

What about the symptoms that go with this problem?  and what are you doing to prevent them.  i.e. like leg pain, water retention, how about sweat spells, muscle stiffness... can't walk (severe case).

What does your doctor tell you to take for this?

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Garlinase May Lower High Cholesterol

Garlinase Fresh enables you to enjoy all the health benefits of fresh garlic, without having garlic breath. One tablet of Garlinase Fresh contains 5000mcg of allicin. Allicin is a garlic component that provides multiple health benefits. It is extracted by a unique Swiss-patented process that ensures freshness and facilitates the best possible absorption by the human body.

Each Garlinase Fresh tablet is enteric-coated so that it can bypass the acidic stomach environment which partially destroys allicin before it can be absorbed. Having passed the stomach’s harsh conditions, allicin reaches the small intestines where it is released and effectively absorbed.

For centuries, the culinary herb garlic has been used to cleanse the body of various common causes of illnesses, like bacteria, viruses and fungus. It can also reduce cholesterol levels, prevent the build-up of plaque in the arteries and increase the level of insulin in the blood to help counter diabetes.


I went to the health food store looking for something in the garlic dept. that would lower my cholesterol.  The counter person told me this product was the best on the market.  A box of 30 of these cost $10.63.

After taking these for a month, I went in for cholesterol blood tests and my cholesterol was lower.  LDL (bad cholesterol) dropped 45, and Trig dropped 72.   HDL stayed the same which is fine and in range.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

High Cholesterol and Coenzyme Q10

I wondered the other day when I was at CVS..., the most expensive vitamins must be necessary for some reason.  Like Q10.  Have you seen the price of that one?  Depending what mfg makes it, it could be quite pricey.  To get a generic brand (which I have), you would pay $16.00, 30 pills, 100mg.  That is .50 cents a pill per day. 

Some people who have high colesterol are given a "statin" drug by prescription.  In my opinion "statin" drugs are given a bad rap for the side effects.  IF you have a life and death situation where you need to take a "statin" drug prescribed by a physician... then talk to your doctor about taking a Q10 with your "statin" drug.

Some researchers think that taking a coenzyme Q10 supplement may reduce the risk of serious muscle damage (rhabdomyolysis). And some small reports suggest that troubling side effects — muscle and joint aches — from statins might be reduced if you take coenzyme Q10 along with a statin.


List of some "statins" are":  Lipitor, Zocor, Atorvastatin, Cerivastatin, Fluvastatin, Lovastatin, Mevastatin, Pitavastatin, Pravastatin, Rosuvastatin, Simvastatin, and other combinations like Simvastatin+Niacin extended release. 

Is there a cholesterol problem in this world... or a happy drug industry of "statins" with numbers to fit most people's cholesterol tests?  Let's look at statistics: Pfizer had $$$12.4 billion dollars in sales in 2008 for their "statin" drug.  How many people do you suppose that would be?


Statin drugs would not be my first drug of choice - but if necessary to take, consider taking Q10 to go with it.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Lycine Food Ranking TOP 16

Lysine, or L-lysine, is an essential amino acid. That means it is necessary for human health but the body can't manufacture it; lysine has to be gotten from food. Amino acids like lysine are the building blocks of protein. Lysine is important for proper growth, and it plays an essential role in the production of carnitine, a nutrient responsible for converting fatty acids into energy and helping to lower cholesterol. Lysine appears to help the body absorb calcium, and it plays an important role in the formation of collagen, a substance important for bones and connective tissues including skin, tendon, and cartilage.

Most people get enough lysine in their diet, although athletes, vegans who don't eat beans, and burn patients may need more. Not enough lysine can cause fatigue, nausea, dizziness, loss of appetite, agitation, bloodshot eyes, slow growth, anemia, and reproductive disorders. For vegans, legumes (beans, peas, and lentils) are the best sources of lysine.

Lycine Food Ranking Top 16 - Rank Food Name:

Chicken, broilers or fryers, breast, meat only, cooked, rotisserie, original seasoning  Lysine: 4402mg 
Turkey, fryer-roasters, light meat, meat only, raw Lysine: 4221mg 
Turkey, fryer-roasters, breast, meat only, cooked, roasted Lysine: 4197mg 
Turkey, fryer-roasters, breast, meat only, raw  Lysine: 4176mg 
Turkey, fryer-roasters, light meat, meat only, cooked, roasted Lysine: 4065mg 
Fish, tuna, light, canned in water, drained solids Lysine: 4039mg 
Fish, tuna, light, canned in water, without salt, drained solids Lysine: 4039mg 
Fish, ling, cooked, dry heat Lysine: 4029mg 
Fish, pike, northern, raw Lysine: 4018mg 
Fish, cod, Pacific, cooked, dry heat Lysine: 4015mg 
Fish, pike, northern, cooked, dry heat  Lysine: 4013mg 
Fish, cod, Pacific, raw Lysine: 4009mg 
Fish, cusk, raw Lysine: 4009mg 
Fish, ling, raw Lysine: 4009mg 
Fish, sunfish, pumpkin seed, cooked, dry heat  Lysine: 4007mg 
Fish, sunfish, pumpkin seed, raw Lysine: 4004mg 


Gram Conversion Milligram Conversion

In the Vitamin C Deficiency article it mentions taking "6 grams" a day of Vitamin C and Lysine: "The Pauling associates relate that end stage arteriosclerosis patients have been completely cured by high dosage Vitamin C and lysine often within weeks."

My vitamins are all listed in milligrams and I was curious what the conversion was to grams.  According the measurement:  1000 milligrams equals 1 gram.

The Vitamin C, I take states it is 1000 mg.  In order for me to get 6 grams of Vitamin C..., I would have to take 6 of those.  WOW.   Will look in the Health Food store and see the milligram range in Vitamin C, and Lysine.

Vitamin C Deficiency

The late Dr. Linus Pauling and his associates were convinced that the arteriosclerotic plaque is formed because of a deficiency of Vitamin C. In their explanation of arteriosclerosis the structural protein (collagen) of arteries is lacking due to Vitamin C deficiency. This causes the body to supply lipoprotein (a) to these weak areas in an attempt to patch the weakness. This substance lipoprtotein (a) is very sticky and when it deposits onto an injured artery surfaces it seizes platelets, calcium, fibrin and cholesterol from the blood which causes a deposit (plaque) that narrows the opening in the artery. These narrowed openings can proceed to clot over (heart attack, stroke, or gangrene), produce symptoms (angina, leg pain with exertion, brain symptoms from lack of adequate blood flow) and small pieces of fibrin clot may break off the plaque and are thrown to arteries more distant again producing strokes, heart attack and gangrene.
In 1994 Linus Pauling and his associates announced that arteriosclerosis could be cured by a substance important in making collagen (lysine 6 grams daily) and large doses of Vitamin C (6 grams daily). The Pauling associates have never seen an individual who was taking 10 grams of Vitamin C daily who had any evidence of arteriosclerosis. Ninety five per cent of patients with advanced arteriosclerosis admitted they took no Vitamin C or less than 500 mg. daily. These findings have been confirmed by the Life Extension Foundation of Hollywood, Florida.
The Pauling associates relate that end stage arteriosclerosis patients have been completely cured by high dosage Vitamin C and lysine often within weeks. These individuals lose their anginal pain, blood pressure drops to normal, arterial blockages disappear, lipid profiles become normal, and energy increases. They become able to pass treadmill tests normally.

Homocysteine is Not a New Story

Homocysteine is Not a New Story by Dr. Deborah Baker

Also from the Life Extension article – “The homocysteine theory of cardiovascular risk was first tested and published by Dr. Kilmer McCully in 1969, but, with everyone focusing on cholesterol at that time, his findings were ignored. Finally, almost 30 years later, the word is out on homocysteine. In addition to NBC Nightly News with Tom Brokaw, articles have been published in Newsweek, The Wall Street Journal, The Los Angeles Times, Prevention magazine and more.”

Homocysteine levels rise as people age. Therefore, any anti-aging program must take homocysteine level control into consideration. Lowering homocysteine has benefits beyond heart protection. When the blood supply to the heart is blocked, a heart attack results. When blood to the brain is blocked, a stroke results. If the penile artery is occluded, impotence results. Blockages in the extremeties results in intermittent claudication or pain in the affected extremity.
Homocysteines relationship to heart disease may explain some things that cholesterol never could. These B vitamins and homocysteine are so interrelated that homocysteine levels could be used to assess vitamin status. This could explain the increase in heart disease which has occurred in women over the past two decades which coincides with the use of birth control pills. Birth control pills deplete vitamin B6 and raise homocysteine levels. Smoking, a known risk factor for heart disease, also depletes vitamin B6 and smokers generally have low levels of folio acid and vitamin B12...all needed for homocysteine metabolism. Its not surprising that the statistics linking smoking to heart disease are similar to those linking high homocysteine levels to heart disease.(l)

The homocysteine story may explain some of the increases in heart disease that the cholesterol scare never could.  We also know now that things like taking birth control bills and smoking deprive the body of vitamin B6 (and also B12 and folic acid in smoking).  These both add to the risk of heart attack and it may be because of the effect on the homocysteine nutrients that they pose risk.

In general I recommend about 500 mg of TMG per day, 800 mcg of folic acid, (preferrably in the active MTHF form) 500 mcg of B12, 25 mg of B6 and 5 mg of zinc.  This should of course be taken in divided doses over the day.

Elevated Homocysteine Leads to Vascular Damage

If unhealthy levels of homocysteine accumulate in the blood, the delicate lining of an artery (endothelium) can be damaged. Homocysteine can both initiate and potentiate atherosclerosis. For example, homocysteine-induced injury to the arterial wall is one of the factors that can initiate the process of atherosclerosis, leading to endothelial dysfunction and eventually to heart attacks and strokes (Gallai 2001, Papatheodorou 2007). Several studies have shown that homocysteine can inflict damage to the arterial wall via multiple destructive molecular mechanisms (Zeng 2003, Hofmann 2001, Osanai 2010).


You can measure your homocysteine levels with a simple blood test. And you can lower homocysteine naturally, without drugs. Here’s what you should take to keep it in check... you can find these nutrients at most health food stores. (Amounts are daily)
  • Vitamin B12 – 500 mcg
  • Folic Acid – 800 mcg
  • Vitamin B6 – 25 mg
  • Riboflavin (B2) – 25 mg
  • TMG (trimethylglycine) – 500 mg

The reason I brought this topic up is because today on the news they said there was a new drug that can turn back the clock.  There were a few interviews and the older women stated they felt better and saw drastic changes using this new drug.  The new drug is called:  TA65 from TA Sciences.  The news also said a bottle cost $600.  Ok, not everyone has 600 dollars. 

Is the secret to the fountain of youth and turning back the hands of time actually lowering your homocysteine levels?

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Foods That Shrinks Blockage

In the book "Foods That Fight Pain" it says:  "Dr. Dean Ornish, a young, Harvard-trained physician, showed that indeed, heart disease can be reversed. His research papers in the Lancet in 1990 and the Journal of American Medical Association in 1995 are now milestones of modern medicine."

Who has heard of arteries cleaning themselves? 

I have a list on my frigerator of foods that do that very thing.  Magnesium: Brown Rice, Spinach, Broccoli, Baked Potatoes, Bananas.  Niacin: Chicken breast, Tuna, Wholegrain Bread.  Vit B12, Vit D: Oysters, Salmon, Tuna, Clams. Folic Acid: Pinto Beans, Navy Beans, Asparagus, Broccoli, Brussel Sprouts.

I make sure something on this list is part of my every meal at supper time.

Cranberry Juice Helps Reduce High Cholesterol Levels

Drinking cranberry juice daily may help to increase levels of HDL, (good cholesterol) and reduce levels of LDL, (bad cholesterol). The knock on effect is less of the bad cholesterol clogging the walls of your arteries which puts less strain on the heart.


I keep Ocean Spray Craisins Dried Cranberries in the frigerator.  A 48 oz. bag cost less than $10.  When I have a food craving, I go grab a hand full for a snack. Cranberries contain powerful antioxidants flavonoids that can help fight protect artery walls from plaque.

Fruits That Reduce Cholesterol

My doctor says I have a Cholesterol problem.  And yes, I kinda tipped the scales last month so I have been doing massive research on this.

Fruits that reduce cholesterol are: blueberries, avocados, cranberries, grapes, and pomegranates. 

From the above list I only eat two of those on a daily basis in either a fruit or juice form and those two are: cranberries and pomegranates. 

Getting Rid of Plaque in the Arteries

Lecithin Supplements:
Lecithin is a water-soluble compound or phospholipid that contains choline, phosphatidyl choline and inositol, which aid in lowering blood pressure and getting rid of plaque in the arteries.

I take the CVS Pharmacy "Natural Lecithin 1200 MG (from Soy) - 250 softgels.  I waited for the buy one and get one free sale.  These softgels are huge... but worth it!


Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Saffron Kills Cancer

Doctor Oz said that saffron comes from the inside of a crocus plant, and it is the “gold standard” for spices.  Saffron helps to fight off cancer.  Dr Oz explained that cancer cells grow through bringing and building their own blood supply in your body.  The saffron can actually enter the cancer cells and send a signal that causes the cancer to “commit suicide.”  Dr Oz even said that saffron may be the cure for cancer in the future.  Saffron is not a cheap spice, it is around $10 per jar, but you only need a small pinch.


I have added Saffron to my diet.  I add at least 3 stigmas to all my sauces.  Saffron is $10 a jar... but in that jar you get a tiny packet with stigmas in it.  So do not think you are getting a full jar.  The kind I use is:  All Natural Frontier Saffron threads.

Broccoli and Cancer

Eating cruciferous vegetables, especially broccoli, has been shown to reduce the incidence of breast cancer, which is the leading killer of middle-aged women in the United States. Broccoli nutrition has also been linked to the lowering of lung and colon cancers. In fact, young women who eat a single helping of broccoli each week reduce their chances of developing breast cancer by 40%.

Broccoli Facts - broccoli contains two unique phytochemicals – isothiocyanates and indoles. Isothiocyanates actually boost your liver’s ability to detoxify any carcinogens to which you are exposed. Indoles may prevent cancer by assisting your body to break down the hormones that cause breast cancer cell proliferation.
